CONTACT: Rep. Gae Magnafici                                                                         

(608) 267-2365

MADISON – Representative Gae Magnafici (R-Dresser) will be holding in-district listening sessions on Friday, March 29th to gather feedback from constituents on Wisconsin’s 2019-2021 biennial budget. Members of the public and the press are encouraged to attend the following listening sessions:


Larsen Family Public Library

7401 Main St W, Webster, WI 54893


Balsam Lake Public Library

404 W Main St, Balsam Lake, WI 54810


Somerset Public Library

208 Hud St, Somerset, WI 54025

Constituents are also encouraged to contact Representative Magnafici’s office about any issues or questions they have by phone at 608-267-2365 or by email at