Contact: Sally Fox
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Tonight, Bryan Steil delivered a floor speech on the need for a budget resolution. House Leadership has indicated they will not produce a budget, neglecting one of Congress’ constitutional responsibilities. You can watch and download a video of the floor speech here.
Full text of floor speech is below:
Mr. Speaker,
Where is the proposed budget plan?
We just voted to approve the use of the Capitol grounds for a soap box derby, but we can’t vote on the budget.
Article I of the Constitution gives Congress the primary responsibility of creating spending priorities for the nation.
The president submitted a budget four weeks ago.
Rather than fulfilling this obligation to govern, House leadership is asleep at the wheel.
It’s irresponsible to not allow a vote on a budget resolution.
We are more than 22 trillion dollars in debt.
We cannot continue this broken process.
The American people deserve to see the Speaker’s spending priorities and know where taxpayer dollars are going to be spent.
Madam Speaker, show me your budget.
Let’s vote on a budget.
Let’s get to work.