Contact: Sam Singleton-Freeman,, 414-469-9206

MILWAUKEE — On Thursday afternoon, the Judiciary, Safety, and General Services committee of the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors voted in favor by a 3-2 vote to pass a resolution declaring Milwaukee County’s support for restoring driver licenses for immigrants and low-income people in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers has introduced restoring access to driver licenses for immigrants in Wisconsin as part of his 2019 budget proposal. The Milwaukee County resolution declares the county’s support for these efforts. The full board is expected to vote on the resolution on March 21st at 9:30am in Room 200. The Racine Common Council passed a similar resolution a few weeks ago, as did the Racine School Board.

“I came to this country hungry, as a single parent to six children, the youngest of whom was just three years old when we arrived,” said Guadalupe Romero, a member of Voces de la Frontera, during her testimony Thursday afternoon. “It is for this reason that I stand before you to ask you, please support our efforts to gain driver licenses. I want to contribute to this country. I want to continue being a hard-working person, and I stand before you today with my head held high.”

“I’m very pleased that this item has passed and want to thank all the people who came to testify in support of this measure,” said County Supervisor Sylvia Ortiz-Velez, author of the resolution. “The County of Milwaukee stands firm in its support of our vibrant immigrant community.”

Voces de la Frontera and coalition partners will hold a statewide day of action and lobby day to restore driver licenses for all on March 14th at the Capitol in Madison beginning at 10am. The press and public are encouraged to attend.

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