Contact: DOA Communications, (608) 266-7362

MADISON – Secretary-designate Joel Brennan today announced that Sam Rikkers will be joining the Department of Administration (DOA) as Strategic Economic Initiatives Director. Rikkers will be focused on the Foxconn project.

Rikkers comes to DOA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Wisconsin Institute for Discovery serving as Executive Director of Tiny Earth. Prior to that he served as in the Obama administration in the Department of Agriculture in various roles and in the White House as Energy and Environment Director. He has a bachelor’s degree from Macalester College, Master of International Affairs from Columbia University and Juris Doctorate from University of Wisconsin.

“Projects of this scale and potential impact require that everybody rows in same direction and puts their back in it,” said Rikkers. “I am excited to help ensure Wisconsin is a strong partner to Foxconn, Racine County, and the Village of Mount Pleasant.”

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