Today, Dr. Patrick Wolf and Dr. Corey DeAngelis released their new study “Private School Choice and Character: More Evidence from Milwaukee.” This study once again demonstrates school choice is having a significant impact on the lives of families.

Using matched student-level data, their study finds that “exposure to the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program in 8th or 9th grade predicts lower rates of conviction for criminal activity and lower rates of paternity suits by ages 25 to 28.

Specifically, exposure to the MPCP is associated with a reduction of around 53 percent in drug convictions, 86 percent in property damage convictions, and 38 percent in paternity suits.”

This is an update to their 2016 study “The School Choice Voucher: A “Get Out of Jail” Card?” which concluded that persistently attending a private school through a voucher program can decrease subsequent criminal activity, especially for males.”

“This information couldn’t come at a more critical time, “said Justin Moralez, the Wisconsin State Director for the American Federation for Children.  “With an orchestrated attack on the rights of working class families to have access to quality education echoing in the state, it is more important now than ever that people understand the implications that come with barring children from better schools.”

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