Contact: Stephanie Marquis, Vice President of Communications | 608.575.9702 (C)
Ringhand recognized for supporting public policies that enable delivery of high-quality, high-value health care
At today’s Wisconsin Hospital Association’s (WHA) Advocacy Day event, State Senator Janis Ringhand (D-Evansville) was honored with WHA’s annual Health Care Advocate of the Year award. Tim McKevett, WHA Board member and Beloit Health System President and CEO, presented this year’s award to Ringhand in recognition of her support for policies that enable the delivery of high-quality, high-value health care in Wisconsin.
“We are grateful to have such a strong supporter of hospitals in the Wisconsin State Senate. Janis’ common-sense approach to policy-making has made her an important partner with the Wisconsin Hospital Association and someone I have enjoyed working with over the years,” said McKevett. “We commend and thank Janis for her leadership on health care policy and strong partnership with Wisconsin hospitals.”
During her tenure in the Legislature, Ringhand has supported important health care policies including:
- Co-authoring legislation to address concerns regarding the process for transporting patients in mental health crisis from a hospital emergency department to another care setting. The legislation received bipartisan support in the state legislature and was signed into law last spring as 2017 Wisconsin Act 140.
- Advancing Wisconsin health care workforce training programs for rural communities, reimbursement increases for high-Medicaid hospitals and innovative care delivery pilot programs to better utilize Medicaid resources.
- Joining a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers to support a very important piece of legislation clarifying Wisconsin’s informed consent standard for physicians while in the State Assembly.
WHA’s Advocacy Day is the premier health care advocacy event in Madison with approximately 1,000 attendees representing nearly every hospital and health system in Wisconsin.