Contact: Todd Costello, (608) 242-8335 ext. 1378
Task Force on Caregiving charged with finding solutions to Wisconsin’s direct care workforce crisis.
“We would like to thank Governor Evers for his commitment to addressing the direct care
workforce shortage and stand ready to assist him in developing a comprehensive set of solutions that guarantee access to care,” said WPSA Legislative Chair Todd Costello.
Wisconsin is currently experiencing a direct care workforce crisis so severe that it is putting
people with disabilities and older adults in danger of serious illness, harm and a loss of
independence. Personal care workers are on the front lines of Wisconsin’s long-term care and health care systems—they provide intimate, in-home services that help older adults and people with disabilities remain independent. Unfortunately, approximately 85% of people in need of services are unable to find enough community-based workers to meet their needs.
A recent survey of WPSA members revealed that the workforce crisis is posing serious threats to Wisconsin’s provider network and jeopardizing access to care: 1 out of 2 personal care agencies are considering no longer providing Medicaid services due to inadequate reimbursement rates, and 1 out of 3 agencies are experiencing yearly worker turnover rates of more than 50%.
“We are excited that Governor Evers’ Task Force will include a diverse group of stakeholders
that can offer their unique perspectives on caregiving. Solving Wisconsin’s workforce crisis willrequire the collaboration of caregivers, consumers, family members, providers and
policymakers,” said WPSA Legislative Chair Todd Costello.
“WPSA looks forward to working with Governor Evers, the Department of Health Services and the Legislature to ensure access to cost-effective, community-based caregiving services,” said WPSA President Amy Weiss.
The Wisconsin Personal Services Association (WPSA) is the state’s leading professional
organization for personal care and other community-based home care providers. WPSA has
educated, advocated, and united agencies and individuals in all Wisconsin counties for over 25 years to provide quality personal/supportive home care services to over 10,000 consumers and as many, if not more, direct care workers.