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WisDOT Office of Public Affairs
Craig Thompson, Wisconsin Department of Transportation Secretary-Designee, released the following statement regarding the Transportation Stakeholder Task Force:
We recently concluded the second of two very productive meetings with individuals from around the state. The Transportation Stakeholder Task Force members represent all facets of Wisconsin’s transportation needs and the people who use the system: local and county roads, trucking industry, freight and rail, harbors, bikes and pedestrians, farming, etc. The task force also included bipartisan members of the Wisconsin legislature, who attended the meetings and participated in discussions. The meetings were fully transparent. The February 4 meeting was broadcast on WisconsinEye. Anyone interested in viewing the footage is encouraged to do so.
The information we gathered during this process is meant to help us understand the public’s priorities for transportation. There were no decisions or formal recommendations made; representatives simply shared what they believed were possible alternatives to address Wisconsin’s transportation challenges.
We are analyzing the information gathered during the task force meetings and will use the input to make informed recommendations for the transportation budget.