America First Action PAC is debuting “Blatant Lie,” a television advertisement focusing on Tony Bobulinski’s first-hand interview detailing the inner workings of the Biden Crime Family profiting off of Joe Biden’s vice presidency with shady foreign dealings. The ad will air in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin starting on Friday.
In an explosive interview, Bobulinski, a former business associate of Hunter Biden, detailed how he met with Joe Biden, his brother Jim, and his son Hunter regarding a lucrative financial deal with a Chinese energy company in 2017. The interview was backed up by tape recordings, texts, emails and business records.
Bobulinski said Joe Biden is lying when he claims he never talked with his family members about their foreign business deals. “When he states that, that’s a blatant lie.”
Biden is not running for President to serve the American public, he’s running to enrich himself and his family. If Biden wins, China wins.
BOBULINSKI: “There was no other reason for me to be there in that bar meeting Joe Biden than to discuss what I was doing with his family’s name and the Chinese.”
TUCKER CARLSON: “The former vice president has said that he had no knowledge whatsoever of his son’s business dealings and was not involved in them at all.”
BOBULINSKI: “That’s a blatant lie. When he states that, that is a blatant lie. He knew exactly what they were doing. They were dealing with a Chinese owned enterprise.”