MADISON, WI—Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin (AFP-WI) today released a statement congratulating Alberta Darling, Rob Stafsholt, Mary Felzkowski, Shannon Zimmerman, Shae Sortwell, Rachael Cabral-Guevara, Pat Testin, Clint Moses, Jon Plumer, Dan Knodl, and Jesse James on their elections to the Wisconsin State Senate and State Assembly. Each candidate earned the full support of AFP-WI and its signature grassroots through their commitment to principled policy solutions to tackle the greatest challenges Wisconsin faces. Leveraging citizen-to-citizen contact, direct-mail, and digital advertisements, AFP-WI relayed policy-focused messages to voters in endorsees’ districts. AFP-WI activists and staff reached more than 1.2 million voters across the state through phone-banking and door-knocking.


AFP-WI State Director Eric Bott issued the following statement:


“Our activists were excited to support so many policy champions dedicated to making Wisconsin the best place to live, work and raise a family this year. Each candidate has shown they’ll support greater access to better, more affordable health care, fight for our economic recovery, and protect our Constitutional rights in Madison. We applaud the hard work of our dedicated activists and can easily say that the positive outcomes in so many hard-fought races is a testament to the strength and impact of the grassroots.”