Today, Wisconsin Congresswoman Gwen Moore and State Representative JoCasta Zamarripa held a press call discussing Joe Biden’s newly updated plan to beat the COVID-19 pandemic. They also slammed Donald Trump for failing to prepare and protect our country from the pandemic – especially Black and Latino communities that have been disproportionately impacted by the crisis. Key excerpts are included below:
Congresswoman Gwen Moore: “That course of inaction – that course of lack of presidential leadership – has gotten us to a point where, Dr. Fauci says we are on track to have 100,000 new cases per day. […] Had [Joe Biden] been the president, we would be in such a different state. Not only with regard to mitigating this pandemic, but also minimizing the economic damage that has occurred. […] I have been really struck by the way this pandemic has attacked the African-American community. Milwaukee County was one of the first places where they saw the disparate numbers in the African American community. […] If Joe were president right now, first of all, we wouldn’t be in this dire situation. But he would guarantee regular, reliable testing and personal protective equipment. Constant paid leave. […] People have a choice. When Joe Biden says we’re fighting for the soul of our country, I think we ought to include that we are fighting for our lives, too.”
State Representative and Alderwoman JoCasta Zamarripa: “It’s been more than six months since America saw its first case COVID-19. And throughout, the difference between what Joe Biden called for and what Donald Trump did at crucial inflection points reveals that only one of these candidates is the leader we can trust, and the other is a dangerously discredited threat to our well-being and economy. Despite losing more than 120,000 lives, and tens of millions of Americans are out of a job, Trump continues to fail. […] As the representative for the largest Latino district in the great state of Wisconsin, the near south side of Milwaukee is seeing an alarming spike in COVID-19 infections. […] We know that Joe Biden has continuously mapped out a better course. He is already releasing comprehensive strategies for everything from testing, to safely reopening, to jumpstarting our economy. And I know, like Gwen said, if Joe were president today, he would guarantee regular, reliable testing and PPE for anyone who is called back to work – and frankly, for those Latinos who never stopped working through this crisis. […] Joe has the character to rally this nation to beat this crisis and lead us into a just and equitable recovery.”