Congresswoman Gwen Moore: “We have the power here in Milwaukee to move our country forward – so make a plan to vote early. ”
In the Milwaukee Courier, Congresswoman Gwen Moore penned an op-ed encouraging Milwaukee voters to make their voices heard and cast their ballots early for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Congresswoman Moore also wrote about the need to dismantle existing barriers for the Black community and praised the Biden-Harris racial economic equity plan to build back better out of these overlapping crises.
The op-ed comes during the first week of early in-person voting in Wisconsin. Senator Kamala Harris kicked off the week with a virtual rally in Milwaukee, where she discussed the stakes of this election. Wisconsinites can visit for more information on how to cast their ballot.
Read more below:
Milwaukee Courier: Let’s Get Out and Vote Early, Milwaukee
As we enter the final stretch of this election, we know that there is so much on the line. A deadly pandemic continues to tear through our community. A painful economic recession is forcing families to decide between keeping food on the table or a roof over their heads. All this combined with the longstanding systemic racism in our institutions has made it far too hard for Black Americans to get ahead.
We have four years of receipts that confirm that Donald Trump is unable and unwilling to meet these challenges. The good news is we have a ticket in Joe Biden and Kamala Harris that is prepared to move our country forward.
Biden and Harris won’t just bring us back to the way things were before Trump. Because for too many, the “good old days” weren’t so good to begin with. They have a plan to dismantle the race-based inequities that still infect every part of society and to build our economy back better. An economy more powerful precisely because everyone will finally be cut in on the deal.
This Tuesday, I was so delighted to spend time with my friend, Sen. Harris for a virtual rally in Milwaukee to celebrate her birthday and the start of in-person early voting in Wisconsin. During that event, she gave us our call to action, saying: “Wisconsin, you’re the key. Milwaukee, we need you.”
We have the power here in Milwaukee to move our country forward – so make a plan to vote early. It’s easy and convenient to vote early in-person and you can make a plan that is flexible to fit your schedule. And, of course, you can vote at your polling place on Election Day, Nov. 3.
Run, don’t walk, to to make your plan to vote early. Don’t forget, you can register when you vote – just bring your photo ID and proof of residence, which can be as simple as a recent utility bill.
If you have any questions about registering to vote or casting your ballot, you can call the Voter Assistance Hotline at 608-336-3232.
Make no mistake, this election is going to be close. That’s why we need to dig deep in these final days to make sure that everyone in our community – our friends, our family, our neighbors, our coworkers – has a plan to get out and vote early.
Biden and Harris can’t do it alone. They need every single one of us to do our part.
As Harris said on Tuesday, “We vote to honor the ancestors, which includes folks like the great, late John Lewis…. We vote because we know our power. We vote because we know that when we vote, things change and we win.”
Let’s get it done, Milwaukee.