Today, Kamala Harris wrote an op-ed in the Wisconsin State Journal making her closing argument to the people of Wisconsin, outlining a vision to bring America together and encouraging people to get out and vote.

Senator Harris reflected on her time living in Madison as a young child and highlighted Joe Biden’s plan to contain the virus, make college more affordable, and build our economy back better so Wisconsin workers and families can get ahead. Read more below:

Wisconsin State Journal: Kamala Harris: Wisconsin can change the course of our nation — and make history

Wisconsin has a special place in my heart. When I was five, my family moved to Madison, where my father got a job teaching economics at the University of Wisconsin and my mother worked as a breast cancer researcher. It was a brief moment — but for a little while, we called Wisconsin home.

Like the rest of our country, the people of Wisconsin are struggling now — facing a deadly pandemic, an economic recession, a climate crisis, and a reckoning on racial injustice.

Over 220,000 Wisconsinites have contracted the coronavirus, and more than 2,000 have lost their lives. One in four small businesses has closed. College students are scrambling to adjust to virtual learning, and many young adults are struggling through the second recession of their working lives.

It didn’t have to be this bad. President Trump knew back in January just how severe the threat of this virus was, but lied to the American people about it. Nine months later, he still doesn’t have a plan to deal with the virus. And his failure to contain this pandemic is the reason we are in the worst economic economic crisis since the Great Depression.

Meanwhile, President Trump is urging the U.S. Supreme Court to strike down the Affordable Care Act, which could rip away health coverage from more than 150,000 Wisconsinites and protections from 2.4 million with preexisting conditions. He even rushed through an extreme nominee to help him do just that.

We cannot afford four more years of Donald Trump. The consequences of this election could last generations.

Fortunately, we can choose a better future. Wisconsin can help decide this election and send Joe Biden to the White House.

Joe has a plan to contain the virus, save lives, and build our economy back better so it supports workers and families. We will eliminate the Trump tax cuts for big corporations and the top 1%, and won’t raise taxes one cent on folks making less than $400,000. We’ll invest in lower health care costs, better schools, and reducing the cost of child care. And we’ll build on the Affordable Care Act with a Medicare-like public option.

We will make college more affordable by doubling Pell Grants and making community colleges tuition-free for all students. We will also forgive tuition-related federal student loan debt for low- and middle-income individuals.

Joe and I have the boldest climate goals of any general election campaign in history. We will invest in a clean energy future, create millions of good-paying jobs, and get on a path to net-zero emissions by 2050.

We will work to root out the systemic racism that still exists in our courtrooms, prisons and criminal justice system.

Most importantly, Joe and I will work to heal and unite our country to pursue a better future together.

But we can’t do this alone. We need every voter in Wisconsin to vote and make sure everyone in your life votes, too. Go to and make a plan to vote. Together, we are going to restore the soul of our nation.