“It’s never too late, just ask me. I want my voice heard and I want it heard loud and strong.”

Yesterday, WBAY in Green Bay shared the story of a mother in her 70s and her 50-year-old daughter who voted for the first time for Joe Biden. Donna Kellnhauser and her daughter Paula Titera never paid much attention to politics as they raised their families but given their concern for the direction of our country under President Trump, they decided to register to vote and cast their ballots together for change.

WBAY: “It’s never too late, just ask me” — Mother/daughter duo vote for the first time

MENASHA, Wis. (WBAY) – A mother and daughter duo from Menasha decided to vote in their very first election this year.

Mother, grandma and even great-grandma Donna Kellnhauser never really paid attention to politics in her 70+ year life.

“We were young parents taking care of our kids so politics was the farthest thing from my mind at the time,” said Kellnhauser.

Kellnhauser’s youngest daughter, 50-year-old Paula Titera, agreed.

“It was never a big thing in our house,” said Titera.

But over the past year, they said politics have been harder to overlook.

“I see a lot of hatred. I see a lot of racism and the pandemic, what it has done to this country,” said Kellnhauser.

“We would talk about it, the frustrations and what we hoped would be different,” said Titera. “And those talks led us to talking about getting out there to vote.”

Voting is something neither of them have ever done, but they knew now was the time to join millions of other voices.

“This is my first time and I just had a strong urge to vote for change,” said Kellnhauser.

“This was my first time voting also,” said Titera.

Above is a picture of Kellnhauser and Titera voting absentee for the first time. They didn’t even realize they wore matching jackets, but say it’s fitting as the mother and daughter duo vote for the first time together. “I don’t know if there was a lot of emotion. There was a lot of hope, a lot of hope for change,” said Kellnhauser. “It was almost a relief to know that we took that big step,” said Titera.

And no matter who you vote for, as we see a record number of turnout, Kellnhauser has one final message to voters in this election. “It’s never too late, just ask me,” said Kellnhauser. “I want my voice heard and I want it heard loud and strong.”

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