“America needs a leader who can lead again — someone with a vision for our nation that unites and moves us forward.”

Today, the Wisconsin State Journal endorsed Joe Biden, citing his leadership experience, ability to reach across the aisle to get things done,  and vision to unite the country.

Read the endorsement editorial here below:

Wisconsin State Journal: OUR ENDORSEMENT: Joe Biden is the better choice to restore, unite America

This election is about more than the two candidates seeking the presidency. This is about the office itself. It’s about restoring a sense of higher purpose and professionalism to the White House.

America needs a leader who can lead again — someone with a vision for our nation that unites and moves us forward.


America needs more stability, civility and respect for democratic institutions.


He served eight years as vice president and more than three decades in the U.S. Senate. He will assemble a strong team of advisers and respect their expertise. Biden will approach the job of being the most powerful person on the planet with the seriousness it deserves.

The Wisconsin State Journal editorial board endorses Biden in the Nov. 3 vote.


Democracy is best when everyone gets their say on our nation’s priorities. And when this campaign is finally over, America must try to pull together, no matter who wins. That’s the most important outcome of all.


Biden has developed friendships with Republican senators over decades, which should help him build consensus. He ranks 47th out of 250 senators over the last 25 years for working across the partisan divide in Congress, according to the Lugar Center, a good-government think tank started by former U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind. That’s a pretty good score, and refreshing amid the hyper-partisan gridlock that dominates Washington.

We urge everyone to vote early, if you can, by requesting an absentee ballot by mail. Go to myvote.wi.gov. Voting before Election Day helps reduce congestion and potential transmission of the novel coronavirus at the polls. You can drop off your ballot at the post office or a government-sanctioned site.

Voting in person Nov. 3 should be safe, too, if everyone stays 6 feet apart and wears a mask indoors.

Please engage in the Democratic process and make your choice.

We strongly recommend casting your ballot for Biden.

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