MILWAUKEE, WI — Today, Black Leaders Organizing for Communities (BLOC) announced a slate of endorsements in various races on the February 18th primary ballot. Endorsements were based on candidates’ previous engagement with BLOC, their records in the community and politics, and their stances on issues outlined in the BLOC Agenda.

“We’re very proud and confident that all of the endorsed individuals will be both responsive and accountable to their constituents,” said Rick Banks, Political Director. “We look forward to working with all of these candidates once they are elected to office to achieve tangible quality of life improvements for our communities.”

For Aldermanic District 7, BLOC is endorsing challenger Fred Royal. “Fred Royal has been a fierce and knowledgeable advocate for the black community for a number of years. We have no doubt that he will fight for innovative solutions in city hall.”

For the City of Milwaukee Comptroller, BLOC is endorsing Alex Brower. “Alex is the clear progressive in the race and has long been a champion of public schools, and community-centered economic development. This, plus his record as a credit union leader, will serve him well as the people’s advocate in the Comptroller’s office.”

For Milwaukee County Executive BLOC is endorsing both Representative David Crowley and Chris Larson. “Milwaukee cannot go wrong with either of these individuals who have the skills, values and records of advocating for our neighborhoods.”

For Milwaukee County Circuit Court Branch 5, BLOC is endorsing Rebecca Keifer. “Rebecca Keifer has worked with many victims of trauma and will be a judge that sees all people as whole people, not just their worst moments. That’s a mindset that we need on the bench.”

For Milwaukee County Circuit Court Branch 29, BLOC is endorsing Brett Blomme. “Brett clearly understands the issues plaguing the criminal justice system and the role that Judges play in it. Milwaukee needs more judges that reflect a diversity in backgrounds and perspectives. As a former public defender and member of the LGBT community, Brett brings that.”

Finally for WI State Supreme Court BLOC is endorsing Ed Fallone. “Ed Fallone will bring a much needed academic perspective to the law on a court dominated by partisan interests. Additionally, his presence will diversify a court that hasn’t reflected the diversity of the state for too long.”

BLOC plans to launch field and digital operations to support their endorsed candidates by the end of the month. More can be learned about BLOC at

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