Madison — The Wisconsin’s Board for People with Developmental Disabilities’ (BPDD) Living Well Grant is making available statewide a COVID-19 Resource Toolkit designed to provide people with disabilities easy access to resources and plain language guides on how they can stay healthy, safe and socially connected during the pandemic.

The toolkit was developed in part through collaboration with Wisconsin Managed Care Organizations that provide long-term care supports to people with disabilities living in the community. It includes three documents to ensure the protection of the rights of people with disabilities in their homes, places of employment, and communities during the pandemic.

“Social Isolation is one of the biggest predictors of abuse and neglect in people with disabilities,” said BPDD Living Well Project Manager, Sally Flaschberger, “The goal of this toolkit is to get the right information in the hands of people with disabilities and their supporters who are feeling isolated by the pandemic. The resources in the toolkit are designed to maintain health, safety and social connections, including who they can turn to for help.”

The Wisconsin COVID-19 toolkit has also been shared nationally by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration on Community Living as part of outreach to ensure the well-being of people with disabilities around the country during the pandemic.

The COVID-19 toolkit is appropriate for use by individuals with disabilities, their families, service providers, schools, non-profits, and other groups that support people with disabilities. It is free and available to download in PDF versions from the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities website:

Click here for a pdf version of this press release:

Contact Sally Flaschberger at for more information on the toolkit or the Living Well Grant.

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