[NEENAH, WI…] The campaign of 55th Assembly District candidate Rachael Cabral-Guevara today issued an open letter after weeks of mudslinging by Lauri Asbury and Jay Schroeder, as well as Asbury’s Campaign Manager targeting Cabral-Guevara’s son online.
Below is the open letter to Lauri Asbury and Jay Schroeder:
Dear Lauri and Jay;
My mother always told me that “desperate people do desperate things.” During the last three weeks you have engaged in a series of distortions, mudslinging and outright lies about me, my family and my campaign. I guess my mom was right.
Both of you claim to have signed a Clean Campaign Pledge but you continue to launch negative, personal attacks against me. A review of your campaign FaceBook pages reveals you spend more time attacking me than advocating for your own campaigns. And just so we are clear — those posts are made by you and not by campaign surrogates or supporters. Your hypocrisy is shameful.
Both of you have lied to voters and the media regarding the financing of my campaign. I have received just $1000 from the Wisconsin Nursing Association (WNA) PAC — period. I’m proud to have the support of caring, hardworking nurses. All our campaign finance reports are posted online for anyone to view, and they prove you’re misleading and lying to voters.
Both of you bemoan and whine about the endorsements I’ve received from local Republicans as well as pro-economic and liberty organizations. Apparently you don’t believe in the First Amendment and freedom of speech as most Republicans do. In fact it was Lauri who first received an endorsement from the AFL-CIO when she ran for school board. The same AFL-CIO that spent millions to defeat Gov. Scott Walker, and oppose his budget reforms. The AFL-CIO spent money to help elect Lauri, but we never hear her mention this fact.
I’ve refrained from responding to your desperate, baseless attacks. However, a recent Facebook post by Lauri’s Campaign Manager crosses a line I will not tolerate…targeting my son. Attacking a family member is despicable and shameless, and Lauri should apologize immediately.
Both of you should be embarrassed by the campaigns you’ve run. No matter how the election turns out, I will be proud of the race I ran knowing I did not trash fellow Republicans or wallow in the mud with the two of you.