(Hudson, WI) – Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) today endorsed Jason Church to be the next representative of Wisconsin’s Seventh Congressional District. Kinzinger is an Air Force veteran who, like Mr. Church, served in Afghanistan.

“There is no higher honor than to serve our country in uniform,” said Congressman Kinzinger. “Like Jason Church, I felt the call to serve my country abroad and at home. We need more fighters like Jason to join us in Washington to represent conservative, midwest values and to work with President Trump to create jobs, secure our borders, and stand up for our farmers.”

“I am very grateful for the support of another great conservative warrior like Adam Kinzinger” said Jason Church. “As Wisconsin’s southern neighbor, Congressman Kinzinger and I both know that midwesterners value family and hard work most. I look forward to joining him in Washington as we stand up for American families and workers by keeping our economy and military strong.”

Congressman Adam Kinzinger joins other veterans serving in Congress such as Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR), Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA), Congressman Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), and Congressman Brian Mast (R-FL), in endorsing Jason Church.

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