CHICAGO – The Committee to Protect Medicare will air a national TV ad tonight (March 15) and begin digital ads in Michigan and Wisconsin that highlights President Trump’s efforts to cut Medicare and weaken protections for people with preexisting conditions. The TV ad will air during the one-on-one debate between former Vice President Joe Biden and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in their bid to become the Democratic nominee for president. A digital version of the ad can be viewed here.

“Americans were already facing a lot of uncertainty with their healthcare, especially in light of President Trump’s attacks on healthcare and his efforts to cut Medicare,” said CTP executive director Rob Davidson, MD, who is also a 20-year emergency physician in West Michigan. “Americans are turning to doctors, scientists and health experts for information. Our ad puts physicians at the center of the national dialogue about American healthcare, because as frontline professionals who care for patients every day, we see how the Trump Administration’s healthcare policies put people at risk and leave them vulnerable. People don’t trust Donald Trump on healthcare, and the more they know about his record, the less likely they’ll support him on Election Day.”

The CTP political action committee’s ad is part of a $1-million targeted digital ad campaign to raise awareness about Trump’s record of weakening Americans’ healthcare:

  •  Trump proposes to cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security in the fiscal year 2021 budget.

  • Trump continues to support a lawsuit to eliminate the Affordable Care Act, which would  jeopardize protections for 130 million Americans with preexisting conditions — despite promising he would protect patients with preexisting conditions.

  • In October, Trump signed an executive order that would open the door to greater privatization of Medicare and allow private insurance companies to raise costs while limiting care for seniors.

  • Since Trump took office, millions of Americans have lost their healthcare and millions more are underinsured, meaning they can’t afford huge out-of-pocket costs and often delay care.

In the TV ad, Davidson speaks directly to the camera: “Donald Trump is engaging in disgusting divide-and-conquer politics to distract and create distrust while quietly trying to cut Medicare and the preexisting condition protections many of us depend on. This is not who we are. Whether white, black or brown, we believe that all families deserve affordable healthcare, especially during these uncertain times. Our committee is taking this message into key swing states. We are launching a $1-million ad buy. And tonight, I am asking you to donate and join our fight to beat Donald Trump.”

The ad closes with: “Join the fight and donate today at”

Digital advertising will be running in earnest to targeted audiences in Michigan and Wisconsin through June 2020. The Committee to Protect Medicare PAC will be testing the performance of the ads through their life and creating additional creative in the weeks to come.

About the Committee to Protect Medicare

The Committee to Protect Medicare is an advocacy organization made up of frontline doctors engaging in direct advocacy and communications in support of a stronger healthcare system in America. Based in Chicago and made up of doctors from states across the United States, CTP aims to organize and elevate the voices of doctors and clinicians to preserve Medicare, advance affordable care and expand access to healthcare across the United States.

Paid for by the Committee to Protect Medicare PAC

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