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Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes today delivered the Democratic Radio Address on Wisconsin’s CARES funding investments targeting those most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Hello, Wisconsin. It’s Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes here.
With the passage of the CARES Act, the federal government authorized over $2 trillion in relief to address the public health and economic impact of COVID-19.
$2 billion of those funds were allocated to Wisconsin, and this week we made some major announcements of how we are putting those funds to good use.
As with all of our funding decisions, we are ensuring these dollars go where there is the most immediate need. That’s why we are investing over $1 billion in the testing, contact tracing, and support for local governments that is needed to stop the spread and box in this virus.
Now we know the COVID-19 pandemic has hit Wisconsinites hard, both emotionally and financially.
That’s why we are investing $25 million in the Wisconsin Rental Assistance Program to provide up to $3,000 of assistance to eligible renters to prevent evictions and ensure housing stability.
We also announced a $50 million investment in direct payments to Wisconsin farmers, as well as a $15 million investment in combating food insecurity for families across our state.
To jumpstart our economy, we announced a small business grant program that will provide assistance to Wisconsin’s main street businesses that follow health and safety recommendations to protect workers, consumers, and their communities.
Now this funding is just an initial investment, but these are a few of the ways we are targeting the funds we do have to those most affected by the pandemic. These are your federal tax dollars, so CARES funding should work for you, your business, your family, and your communities.
This pandemic has brought to light existing inequities in our state and nation, so as we move toward recovery, we must use every tool we have to ensure we’re creating a more equitable and sustainable state for all Wisconsinites—a state where nobody gets left behind. Thank you.