Office of Children’s Mental Health Director Linda Hall today announces the publication of a new fact sheet about improving school outcomes and what our communities can do to make a difference.
Highlights include:
- Students who struggle with mental health issues are at especially high risk for expulsion, perform lower on academic achievement tests, and have decreased graduation rates.
- Early child care and education providers should increase their understanding of the importance of using trauma-informed principles and addressing their own racial and gender implicit biases.
- Preschool providers should implement a curriculum that builds children’s social and emotional skills and increase family engagement to address challenging behaviors and reduce expulsions.
- Parents should set expectations about time spent on each class per week and regularly check in with teachers to gain a better understanding of the areas in which their child may be struggling.
- Policymakers should prioritize spending on early care and education to reduce the school-to-prison pipeline.
See the complete fact sheet