MADISON — The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction will hold a preliminary public hearing and comment period to consider promulgation of administrative rules under statement of scope amending Wis. Admin. Code ch. PI 34, relating to speech and language pathologist licenses.
The DPI proposes to amend Wis. Admin. Code ch. PI 34 to clarify rules and specify the pathway for licensees who hold a Tier I speech and language pathologist license to become eligible for a Tier II license.
Pursuant to Wis. Stat. 227.135(1), a statement of scope is prepared in advance of any rule that an agency plans to promulgate. It includes a description of the objective of the rule, a description of existing policies relevant to the rule, an analysis of policy alternatives, the statutory authority for the rule, estimates of the amount of time expected to develop the rule, a description of entities affected by the rule, and a summary of any federal regulation that is intended to address the activities to be regulated by the rule. As the rule is promulgated, the department will conduct an additional public hearing for the proposed rule.
The DPI will hold the public hearing via teleconference only. Written comments received no later than the date of the hearing will be given the same consideration as testimony presented at the hearing.
A copy of each scope statement is available on the department’s Administrative Rules webpage or the Wisconsin Legislature Rules site. Written comments may be made via the legislature’s webpage for submitting public comment. Questions or additional testimony may be sent by email to the department’s administrative rules coordinator, or sent by U.S. mail to Carl Bryan, administrative rules coordinator, 125 South Webster Street, P.O. Box 7841, Madison, WI 53707-7841.…ologist-licenses/

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