The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) is seeking public input on improvements for the WIS 113 intersection with County P and County V near the village of Dane in Dane County.

The project – scheduled for construction in 2023 – will reconstruct the WIS 113 and County P/County V intersection into a single lane roundabout. WIS 113 will remain open during construction with temporary widening adjacent to the existing pavement. The intersection of County P and County V is anticipated to be closed at times during the roundabout construction. Access will be maintained to local residences and businesses.

Information on this project can be found at Simply search “WIS 113 intersection” and select the first link (WIS 113/County P/County V intersection). The public, especially adjacent property owners, are encouraged to view the presentation, materials and provide input.

If you would like more information, please contact WisDOT Project Manager Alex Hagen at (608) 246-3830 or by email at Written comments regarding the project can be mailed to Alex Hagen, WisDOT Southwest Region Office, 2101 Wright Street, Madison, WI 53704.

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