The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) is working on the statewide long-range rail transportation plan. The plan will focus on policies for freight rail, rail crossing safety, and passenger rail through the year 2050.
WisDOT is seeking feedback on how to best connect with the public during the Wisconsin Rail Plan 2050 writing process. The draft public involvement plan is posted on the rail plan webpage:
Comments are due by the end of the day, August 28, 2020.
Mail: WisDOT Bureau of Planning and Economic Development
c/o Diane Paoni
PO Box 7913
Madison, WI 53707
Everyone who is interested in getting updates during the planning process may also register on the rail plan page.
The Wisconsin Rail Plan 2050 will include policies for:
- Railroad crossings
- Freight rail
- Wisconsin’s state-owned rail system
- Long distance passenger rail
- Intercity rail
- Commuter rail
The plan will specifically discuss rail data trends, existing and possible future service levels, rail system conditions, and commodity freight movements.
It will also include an Environmental Justice (EJ) analysis. The EJ analysis will present the plan’s potential impacts on racial minority populations, low-income populations, persons age 65 and older and households with no vehicles. The analysis in the plan is general and offers a starting point for more specific analysis that will be done when any project is implemented.
The entire planning process is scheduled to be completed by January 2022.