“Jessi Ebben is exactly what we need in the U.S. Congress to bring about necessary change and nurture a spirit of cooperation. Her determination, common sense, positive message and tender spirit will bring a breath of fresh air to the stagnant, contentious halls of government. Jessi grew up in a family of educators and is grounded in family values that support the rights of the unborn child. She is passionate about upholding the Constitution and defending the freedoms it guarantees. Having spent more than four decades in public education as a teacher, administrator, and author, I know our children will benefit from Jessi’s example of a strong female leader who exudes honesty, fairness and kindness.

“I support Jessi – and I hope you will too!”

Dr. Jan Richardson

Jan Richardson, Ph.D., is an educational consultant who has trained thousands of teachers and provided classroom demonstrations on guided reading. A former teacher, she has taught in every grade, K–12. She has been a reading specialist, a Reading Recovery teacher leader, and a staff developer. She provides schools and school districts with customized professional development and demonstration lessons designed to equip teachers with practical and effective techniques for strengthening small-group reading instruction.

Her best-selling collection includes The Next Step Forward in Guided ReadingGuided Reading Teacher’s CompanionNext Step Guided Reading in ActionNext Step Guided Reading Assessment (co-authored with Maria Walther), Next Step Forward in Reading Intervention (co-authored with Ellen Lewis), Next Step in Word Study and Phonics (co-authored with Michele Dufresne), and Literacy Footprints: A Complete System for Supporting Guided Reading (also co-authored with Michele Dufresne).

“This endorsement from educational innovator, Dr. Jan Richardson, is an absolute honor. The value of a good education cannot be overlooked, and as the daughter of elementary school teachers, I am passionate about making sure our youngest citizens have the best opportunities to learn and succeed. Her work has provided pivotal resources to educators to help guide students to learn to read and enjoy reading, the most vital tool we can own.”

Jessi Ebben

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