(Kenosha, WI) – Kenosha has been failed by its state leaders and representatives.
Between Governor Evers lack of leadership and communication and local
representatives’ absence, Kenosha is without aid and torn apart.
From the burned down buildings to the smashed windows, our community now wears the
scars of its lack of leadership.
“This is the time when leaders need to lead; and they are failing at every level of
our government. Particularly absent are our State Representatives Tip McGuire
and Todd Ohnstad and our State Senator Bob Wirch” Said Ed Hibsch, candidate
for State Assembly District 64. “Our community deserves better. We deserve
Representatives that will facilitate the conversation and dialogue, not be MIA when
we need them the most.”
Incumbents Tip McGuire and Todd Ohnstad have been Missing in Action (MIA) since the
police shooting first occurred Sunday.