Shirley Abrahamson was a giant in the law.   I can pay no better tribute to her than that given by United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg upon the occasion of  Shirley’s retirement from the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

In describing Shirley Abrahamson’s impact on the law, Justice Ginsburg said: “Among jurists I have encountered in the United States and abroad, Shirley Abrahamson is the very best. The most courageous and sage, the least self-regarding…. She has inspired legions to follow in her way, to strive constantly to make the legal system genuinely equal and accessible to all.”

With her immense intellect, legendary work ethic, wit and wisdom, Shirley has left an indelible mark on the law in this state and nation. I consider it my good fortune to have worked with Shirley Abrahamson for 24 years on the Wisconsin Supreme Court and to call her not only a colleague, but also a dear friend.


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