MILWAUKEE — PolitiFact Wisconsin has weighed in on a wave of false, baseless attack ads against Judge Jill Karofsky, writing, “the ad is based on sloppy research that misunderstood the meaning of the online case records. We rate this claim Pants on Fire.” These ads are being run by corporate dark money groups supporting Dan Kelly, and earlier today the Karofsky campaign called for the ads to be removed from the airwaves and Internet.
More from PolitFact’s investigation of the ads:
The file shows Karofsky didn’t touch the case until more than a year after the plea agreement and sentencing. She represented the office for a motion hearing in July 2001, where the state requested that Worley not be allowed to remain in his family residence.
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A pair of attack ads slam say Karofsky was “soft” as a prosecutor because she allowed Worley to get away with no jail time.
But Karofsky didn’t touch the case until more than a year after the plea agreement reducing the charges and the sentencing imposing no jail time. The ad is based on sloppy research that misunderstood the meaning of the online case records.
We rate this claim Pants on Fire.
“We continue to demand that Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce and the Republican State Leadership Committee take down these false, malicious, slanderous, and defamatory ads immediately,” said Tyler Hendricks, Campaign Manager for Jill for Justice. “These sloppy, desperate attacks are par for the course for Dan Kelly and his allies, but the people of Wisconsin deserve better.”