MADISON — Judge Jill Karofsky, candidate for Wisconsin Supreme Court, has released her first television ad, running statewide beginning today. Karofsky is one of three candidates appearing on the Feb. 18 spring primary ballot. The top two finishers will advance to the April 7 general election.
The 30-second advertisement highlights Karofsky’s record as a trial court judge, domestic violence prosecutor and victims’ rights advocate, and contrasts her record with politician-judges like her opponent Dan Kelly.
“I believe in protecting our environment from corporate polluters, protecting women’s health care, and holding corrupt politicians accountable,” says Judge Karofsky in the ad. “As your Supreme Court Justice, I’ll make decisions based on the law.”
“This campaign has the momentum to win and we are getting our message out across the state,” said Alanna Conley, spokesperson for Jill for Justice, Karofsky’s campaign committee. “The people of Wisconsin are responding positively, because they want to end the era of special-interest control.”
Watch the full advertisement here.