MILWAUKEE — Judge Jill Karofsky, candidate for Wisconsin Supreme Court, announced today the endorsement of seven statewide labor unions, demonstrating Jill’s broad base of support from working men and women across Wisconsin. The following unions announced their endorsement: AFSCME State Council 32, SEIU Wisconsin State Council, International Brotherhood of Teamsters Joint Council 39, Wisconsin Pipe Trades Association, Wisconsin Laborers’ District Council, Wisconsin Education Association Council, and the Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers District Council.
“It’s an immense honor to have the support of so many hard-working union members from across the state as we work to restore the rule of law and stomp out corruption in our state,” said Judge Karofsky. “Working men and women are the backbone of Wisconsin, and together we can get the Wisconsin Supreme Court back on track.”
These unions join IBEW Wisconsin State Conference, WI Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals, UFCW Local 1473, and AFT Local 212 in supporting Judge Karofsky’s campaign. Justices Rebecca Dallet & Louis Butler, three former governors, U.S. Senators Baldwin, Kohl, Feingold, and hundreds of judges, sheriffs, DAs, and local elected officials across Wisconsin are also supporting Karofsky. The full list of endorsements is available at endorsements.