The recent spate of alleged hate crimes is terrifying and unacceptable in our community.

Any acts of violence against people of color, or any body for that matter, are not, and should never be, tolerated in Madison, Wisconsin.

While the Madison Police Department is working diligently on investigating these recent incidents, I am asking that all available resources be used to apprehend the perpetrators quickly and that people with information on the crimes step forward by contacting Madison Area Crime Stoppers at (608) 266-6014 or .

On June 16, 2009, the Madison Common Council approved a resolution condemning hate speech and hate-motivated violence (RES-09-00556, Legislative File No. 15128).  The words in the resolution continue to resonant with us today:

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that community leaders pledge to speak out in the face of injustice, while holding high community values that encourage civility, understanding and compassion for All and recognize that the forces of hatred and intolerance exist in every community – including our own; and,BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that in coming together with this statement of solidarity and community values, our city leaders assert our common belief in the golden rule that is woven into virtually every major world religion and secular philosophy, “to do unto others as you would have them do unto you” and while we can never hope to fully eliminate the hate that is within our midst, we can hope to overwhelm it with the light of our own truth, and our dedicated and unwavering commitment to the common good and the ongoing quest for social justice for all.

Let us continue to step forward in light by continuing to condemn the violence of hate crimes in our community. As Council President, I will work with and support law enforcement to ensure that any one perpetrating violence on any individual based on race, gender or sexual orientation or identity is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law under Wisconsin’s hate crime statutes.

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