Marinette–State Representative John Nygren (R-Marinette), Co-Chair of the Joint
Committee on Finance released the following statement:
“After a couple of months of conversation and reflection with family, friends, and
neighbors, I have decided to not run for the 30th Senate District. Coming to this
conclusion has been the hardest decision of my political career. While I am
extremely confident that I would have won the seat, the timing is not right.”
“As the state deals with the financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, my role
as Co-Chair of the powerful Joint Finance Committee is more important than ever.
My best opportunity to make a difference is to remain in my role as Co-Chair.
Thankfully, due to the leadership of my Republican colleagues and I, the state is
poised to bounce back. With a historic rainy day fund, and conservative budgets,
we as a state are on solid footing. Instead of overextending the state as Governor
Evers budget would have done, we invested in our priorities while at the same time
cutting taxes for hardworking Wisconsinites.”
Rep. Nygren was first elected the State Assembly in 2006, and most recently won
reelection in 2018 receiving 67% of the vote.
“I look forward to running for reelection in 2020 for the 89th Assembly District
where I have been historically reelected by wide margins. Thank you to all my
friends and family, who have supported me all these years, and continue to do so.
We are all in this together.”