Senator Johnson denies critical relief to out of work Wisconsinites and thousands struggling to make ends meet
Washington, DC — Today, Senator Ron Johson is blocking an additional round of $1,200 stimulus payments to struggling Americans, as Congress scrambles to negotiate a new COVID relief package ahead of the holiday break. Despite bipartisan support for an additional round of stimulus payments, Senator Johnson is refusing to approve a package which includes funding for these critical payments, citing concerns over the national debt.
While Senator Johnson refuses to provide desperately needed relief to struggling Wisconsinites, local leaders are pleading with Congress to provide support for state and local governments, and frontline workers like emergency responders, teachers, social service workers and more.
Earlier this week, Governor Tony Evers tweeted about how vital the support provided in the CARES Act has been to Wisconsin’s response to the pandemic.
“Throughout this pandemic, our CARES funds have been critical to our state’s #COVID19 response. I’m glad to hear Congress is nearing a deal on a much-needed stimulus package, but that deal must include real, meaningful state and local aid so we can keep fighting this virus.”
Wisconsin Treasurer Sarah Godlewski told Politico this week that without additional federal support, the state would be faced with challenging decisions about how to adjust spending on essential services in Wisconsin.
“As we are going into winter, I mean, we’re looking at — are we going to have to be cutting or furloughing snowplow drivers? Or are we going to have to furlough sewer workers or any sort of essential services, because we have to balance our budget at the local level.”
In a letter sent to Congress earlier this week, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and Milwaukee Common Council President Cavalier Johnson described the measures the city has taken to combat the spread of the virus, and urged federal action to support American cities.
“The weight of the federal government must be put into full force. Current bipartisan negotiations of an additional very critical emergency financial stimulus package is encouraging. Congress cannot adjourn with the economic uncertainty of many American workers and their families threatened.”
Wisconsin leaders have made it clear that federal aid is urgently needed to support state and local governments, essential services, and struggling Wisconsin families. Instead of delivering this desperately needed relief, Senator Johnson has gone out of his way to obstruct, delay, and deny support for his fellow Wisconsinites.