Rep. Allen released the following statement on the need to reopen Wisconsin:
Over the past 60 days, Wisconsinites have rallied to support the mission, given by the CDC and Gov. Evers, of flattening the curve. We have acted in the interest of public health and have faithfully and dutifully followed the Administration’s directives to the best of our ability.
With the state of emergency having expired, the citizens of Wisconsin can and should resume economic activity. Citizens are smart enough to understand the risks that they may face based on the knowledge we have about COVID-19 and to act in their own best interest as it relates to their personal health and the health of their loved ones, especially those that are most vulnerable. Wise business owners and managers will implement prudent health and safety practices to gain and maintain the trust of employees and customers.
Our mission was to flatten the curve and provide time for our health care systems to become adequately resourced in case COVID-19 spread very rapidly. We have accomplished that mission. We have accomplished it so well, in fact, that many health care workers have been furloughed due to lack of patients.
Economics is not solely about monetary gain, or stock prices. Economics informs us about the choices we make. Over the last eight weeks, people have not been able to make prudent choices with their health care, including preventative measures to promote their well-being. They have not been able to make choices to promote their mental and emotional health.
All workers are essential. Our next mission is to safely and prudently resume commerce and economic growth. All workers are essential. We can no longer stand in the way of people’s livelihoods. All workers are essential. We can no longer stand in the way of freedom. All workers are essential. We need to reopen Wisconsin