Rep. Tyler August
(608) 266-1190
Madison…In this week’s GOP radio address, Assembly Speaker Pro Tempore Tyler August (R-Lake Geneva) says the state of the state is strong, thanks to a decade of Republican leadership.
The state of our state is strong and Republicans have a lot to do with it.
I’m Representative Tyler August from Lake Geneva. Governor Tony Evers delivered his state of the state address this week. And as expected, his rhetoric failed to recognize that the legislature is a co-equal branch of our government. We work for our constituents, not a governor who only prioritizes those in Madison. We’ve been working hard to keep the state moving forward.
Wisconsin has a strong economy, lower taxes, good schools and continued access to quality health care, thanks to the reforms Republicans have enacted over the past decade. Our progress will not be thwarted by a liberal governor who pushes a far left agenda and simply doesn’t believe in open, transparent, and limited government.
Republicans will continue to work on issues that bring the state together and we won’t ever stop fighting for Wisconsin taxpayers.