CONTACT: Rep. Considine
(608) 266-7746
Madison – Tonight, Governor Evers gave his annual State of the State address to the Senate and Assembly. Representative Dave Considine (D-Baraboo) released the following statement on the Governor’s speech:
“Governor Evers spoke tonight about the importance of having elected officials who show up and get to work. To me, getting to work means putting in the time to hear bills that our colleagues write. Getting to work means staying in session until the work is done – not until we decide we’ve done or heard enough. We need to listen even if we disagree.
“One of the issues Governor Evers highlighted was agriculture. He spoke of Wisconsin’s strength as an agricultural leader, and how we need to support our farmers. Producers have contributed to Wisconsin’s economy for years, and it’s time we showed them the same support. As ranking member on the Assembly Committee on Agriculture, I agree. Our committee has held public hearings for 8 bills in the past year, despite the fact that 21 bills were sent to us to be heard. I support Governor Evers’ call for the Special Session on Agriculture, because I have witnessed my colleagues dragging their feet on this issue. I am eager to take meaningful action on bills to support our producers, processors, and rural communities.
“Another issue that Governor Evers spoke about was homelessness, and how we can work together to end it. This is an important issue for the 81st, as there aren’t currently any shelter beds for men in Sauk County. Governor Evers introduced Reverend Dave Mowers in his speech, and highlighted his tireless work to bring a shelter to Baraboo. I am proud of the people in the 81st Assembly District – hardworking people like Reverend Mowers. However, I know we can’t rely solely on the efforts of dedicated people in our communities. We also need to work at the state level to support our communities who do this work.
“In Governor Evers’ speech, I heard calls to action on important issues like agriculture and homelessness and so much more. I am hopeful that all of us in the Legislature can get to work and do the job we were elected to do. I look forward to hearing and passing bills to bolster our agricultural communities and aid our homeless.