MILWAUKEE, WI – Rep. David Crowley (D—Milwaukee) made the following statement:
“Yesterday’s tragedy is yet another in a long line that have become much too common, but no less horrifying. There are six grieving families in our city today. My thoughts and prayers are with them, but this community and those families – and all families that have been victims to gun violence – deserve more than thoughts and prayers.
“We talk about not politicizing a tragedy, but the tragedy is political. The tragedy is that this continues to happen – and we at the Federal, state, and local levels continue to allow it to happen. Our city, these families, their friends and co-workers, are all grieving. But to talk about not politicizing a tragedy is to cheapen and normalize these horrific events.
“We need to be focusing on red flag laws as well as background checks. We need to take action. We need to do something. We do not know exactly what happened, but we know what has continued to happen in our schools, workplaces, and nearly everywhere else. How much longer will we have to wait for the Wisconsin Legislature to make our communities safer?”