CONTACT: Rep. Goyke, 608.266.0645
Governor Evers Continues to Lead Wisconsin –Republicans Still Trying to Catch Up
MADISON – State Rep. Evan Goyke (D-Milwaukee) released the following statement in response to Governor Evers’ State of the State address delivered this evening at the State Capitol:
“Governor Evers demonstrated again tonight why citizens across Wisconsin elected him to lead our State. He continues to move our State in the right direction as legislative Republicans continue to try to keep up.
Tonight the Governor highlighted that there is more work to do. I am proud to support the coming efforts on rural economic development and non-partisan redistricting. And, as always, I will continue to work in the legislature on issues I am passionate about, including reform to our juvenile and adult corrections systems in Wisconsin.
It has been 671 days since every legislator voted to close Lincoln Hills and institute ‘The Wisconsin Model’ for juvenile corrections. As of tonight not one shovel has been put into the ground and not one juvenile moved into a new, more effective facility closer to home. It’s time to fulfill the promise we made almost two years ago.