MADISON – Today, members of the Assembly Democratic Caucus held leadership elections for the 2021-2022 legislative session. Representative Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) released the following statement following his re-election as Assembly Democratic Leader:

“I am honored to be re-elected as Assembly Democratic Leader. This is an exciting time for our caucus. In addition to gaining two new seats, we have several other new members that bring with them the infusion of idealism, and determination to change the direction of our state.  We have more voices at the table, and more diversity than ever before. I am humbled to continue working with our returning members, and thrilled to welcome our new members.


“Our state is facing major issues in this upcoming session. First and foremost, Wisconsin is a hotspot in the global COVID-19 pandemic. We must do all we can as a state to slow the spread of the virus and help our economy recover. I am confident that our caucus will offer up innovative legislative solutions to address this crisis.


“In addition to addressing COVID-19, redistricting is set to determine the future of legislative districts for the next decade. We will need all hands on deck in order to fight for fair maps and fair representation for the people of Wisconsin. Our increased numbers and dynamic caucus will help us push back on Republican efforts to gerrymander our state to their political advantage again.


“The time between an election and inauguration is always the most optimistic time of any legislative session. I am humbled by the support of my colleagues for entrusting me to leader our Democratic caucus, and I am ready to get to work. Together, with our shared experiences and shared values, we can start to build a brighter future for Wisconsin.”

In addition to electing Rep. Hintz as Assembly Democratic Leader, the following representatives were elected to Democratic leadership posts: Assistant Leader Rep. Dianne Hesselbein (D-Middleton), Caucus Chair Rep. Mark Spreitzer (D-Beloit), Caucus Vice-Chair Rep. Lisa Subeck (D-Madison), Secretary Rep. Beth Meyers (D-Bayfield), and Sergeant at Arms Rep. Kalan Haywood (D-Milwaukee).