Madison- Representative Amy Loudenbeck (R-Clinton) was re-appointed to serve as the Vice Co-Chair of the Joint Committee on Finance today by Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester).
“I am pleased to again serve as Vice Co-Chair of the Joint Committee on Finance and look forward to the new term with many new members on our committee.
“We’ll be facing new challenges with the pandemic and economic uncertainty as we begin our next budget process. Now, more than ever, it’s important we examine every dollar and every program to make sure it’s used to build the best possible and most fiscally responsible budget for Wisconsin to move forward in the coming years.
“I intend to take a critical look at specific pressure points within all aspects of government. Managing expectations is critical; now is not the time to make promises we can’t afford. We have to take care of funding our current obligations before growing government with new programs or projects.
This will be Rep. Loudenbeck’s fourth term on the Joint Finance Committee, her second serving as the Vice Co-Chair.
The Joint Committee on Finance is a statutory, 16-member standing committee of the Wisconsin Legislature. The committee’s primary responsibility is to serve as the principal legislative committee charged with the review of all state appropriations and revenues.
Representative Loudenbeck represents the 31st Assembly District which includes communities in eastern Rock and western Walworth Counties.