MADISON – Today Governor Tony Evers announced $47 Million in additional investments in COVID-19 relief designed to support Wisconsin families and workers. This effort is funded through the Federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) and will support investments in child care, rental assistance, food security, energy assistance, and healthcare navigators to help mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on Wisconsinites. Rep. Greta Neubauer (D-Racine) released the following statement in support of the investments:
“I cannot overstate the importance of these continuing investments in rental assistance, food assistance, child care, and medical care for our community,” Neubauer said. “Many Racine families were struggling even before the pandemic, and this assistance is a critical lifeline to help them to get through this crisis.
“I am so grateful that Governor Evers is investing more CARES Act funding into these lifeline programs, but this cannot be the end of our work. The Republican-controlled Legislature has not met since we passed an initial COVID-19 response bill in April. As the pandemic continues to rage and Wisconsin cases climb the national charts, Wisconsin families, workers, and small businesses need our help more than ever.
“The CDC recently said that a vaccine may not be widely available until next spring, or even next summer. As we continue to battle this pandemic, we need to ensure Wisconsin families have the support they need to keep a roof over their heads, food on the table, and the heat and lights on.”
This $47 Million investment includes the following:
- $10 Million for the COVID-19 Out-of-School Support Grant Program, aimed at assisting Wisconsin organizations who are providing care to school-aged kids during the pandemic.
- $10 Million for the Wisconsin Rental Assistance Program (WRAP), in addition to the $25 million previously announced. To date, WRAP has helped nearly 10,000 households across the state as of October 5th. For Racine and Kenosha-area WRAP assistance, visit
- $10 million will go toward the Food Security Initiative in recognition of the role the program has played in combating hunger. This investment is on top of the $15 million previously allocated to this program.
- $15 million of the funds for the Wisconsin Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), a program that is currently federally-funded and helps Wisconsinites with their heating costs. Interested individuals can visit or call 1-866-HEATWIS for application and program details.
- $1 million for the Keep Wisconsin Warm/Cool Fund (KWW/CF), a non-profit that provides a statewide safety net to individuals facing energy-related emergencies. Interested individuals can visit to learn more about the KWW/CF application and process.
- $1 million will be invested in the statewide health insurance navigator organization to help residents purchase health insurance on the federal marketplace or to enroll in BadgerCare if they have lost employer-sponsored health insurance. Wisconsinites can learn more about their health insurance options at