Madison–State Representative John Nygren (R-Marinette), author of 34 bipartisan pieces of legislation aimed at combating substance abuse in Wisconsin, released the following statement:
“Today Governor Evers signed four additional HOPE Agenda bills into law, bringing the total to 34 bipartisan pieces of legislation,” said Rep. Nygren. “While there is always more work to be done, more lives to save, and more avenues to recovery that need opening, today’s actions are another arrow in the state’s quiver to combat substance abuse.”
Since 2013, Wisconsin has passed 34 bipartisan pieces of legislation as a part of the Heroin, Opiate, Prevention, and Education (HOPE) Agenda. Last year there was a 10% decrease in opioid-related deaths and opioid prescriptions continue to fall dramatically.
The four HOPE Agenda Bills signed into law by the Governor will accomplish the following:
• Expand access to safe and reliable recovery housing;
• Ensure state employees protections while undergoing Medication-Assisted Treatment;
• Extend the highly successful PDMP requirements;
• Expand access to MAT in our corrections environments and,
• Remove barriers to Recovery Coaches
“There are still two important pieces of the HOPE Agenda that are awaiting a floor vote in the State Senate,” said Rep. Nygren. “Both Assembly Bills 648 and 651 passed the State Assembly with broad bipartisan support and will expand access to non-addictive treatment for pain and continue portions of the highly successful Good-Samaritan law. I hope to see both of these bills scheduled for a floor vote soon. ”
“I would like to thank my colleagues on both sides of the aisle for years of partnership on the 34 bills that have been signed into law as a part of the HOPE Agenda,” said. Rep. Nygren. “Finally, I’d like to thank Governor Evers for signing these bills into law.”