JANESVILLE, WISCONSIN—Today, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) announced religious nonprofits and religious organizations are eligible to receive federal coronavirus emergency assistance loans to help pay their employees, rent, and utilities. This week, Bryan Steil led a congressional effort to secure these loans for religious nonprofits and religious organizations.
“I am glad to see the U.S. Small Business Administration address my concerns. Religious nonprofit and religious organization workers are suffering from the economic fallout of coronavirus. These employees deserve to have the same access to federal assistance as other employees of small businesses. It is great that these workers can receive a paycheck and these businesses can have federal aid to keep their doors open. Thank you to my colleagues who supported my effort to ensure SBA provides assistance to workers,” said Steil.
Steil led a coalition of 39 of his colleagues to urge U.S. Small Business Administration Administrator Jovita Carranza to provide immediate guidance and support of workers of religious nonprofits and religious organizations. You can read the letter here.