Neenah, WI. 10/09/2020
This morning, Dan Schierl received the great honor of being endorsed by Senator Bernie Sanders. Here is what Sanders said in his press release today:
“Our campaign was never about one election or one candidate. The only way our movement can continue is if we work together to elect great, progressive candidates at every level of government, in every state of this country. I am proud to endorse these excellent leaders who will make a difference in the lives of Wisconsinites. Together we will create a Wisconsin and nation based on social justice, racial justice, economic justice, and environmental justice for all.”
As an advocate for the people of the 55 th Assembly District and for Wisconsin, Dan recognizes how much this endorsement means. The founding of our State and some of the most principled actions in history were born under Progressivism in Wisconsin: Medicare, The New Deal, and more. The movement supports the concept that we are all better when we take care of one another in the form of education, healthcare, business, workforce, and more. A lot is at stake in this election, and we encourage people to read up on their candidates and get their votes cast early.
On his hopes of election, Dan Schierl added, “I will serve ALL the people in our district, and WE need to continue this progressive movement as it is not about me, but ALL of US!