MADISON– Senator Robert Cowles (R-Green Bay) and Representative Joel Kitchens (R-Sturgeon Bay) released the following joint statement after 2019 Senate Bill 512 was passed by the State Senate on a voice vote. This legislation, which Senator Cowles and Representative Kitchens authored, creates a dispute resolution process between condominium association leadership and unit owners:

“When constituents in Northeast Wisconsin approached us to explain the troubles they’ve been having with their condo association board and the burdensome legal process they had to undertake just to receive some answers, we knew that changes were necessary to give these constituents and others facing similar troubles a voice. While many unit owners have strong relationships with their condo association, others unfortunately do not.

“Because of the associated time and costs, nobody wants to go to court if they don’t have to. By creating a dispute resolution process between condo associations and unit owners, we are providing both parties with the opportunity to avoid these costly and burdensome headaches. However, Senate Bill 512 still has protections in it that create a clear path for being able to file a claim in circuit court if the direct negotiation conference is unsuccessful or there’s a breach in the agreement. Simply put, this should be a more advantageous method for both condominium associations and unit owners.

“By establishing a statutory process that gives unit owners a seat at the table when condo associations are obstructing unit owner’s ability to maintain their condos or when unit owners question decisions that affect their property, we can ensure that Wisconsinites’ property rights are protected. We’re pleased to see this bill progress through the Senate, and look forward to the Assembly’s consideration of this constituent-driven effort.”

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