State Senator David Craig
(608) 266-5400
Madison, WI — Today, in announcing his decision, State Senator David Craig (R-Town of Vernon) released the following statement:
“It has been one of the greatest honors of my life serving the people of the 28th Senate District. My family has always been supportive and actively worked with me to advance the conservative movement in Wisconsin. After much prayerful consideration, and almost a decade in public office, Amy and I and have decided to not seek re-election to the 28th Senate District in November. Serving my constituents over the last nine years has been a blessing and true honor, and it is not without a heavy heart that we chose to forego serving for another four years in the State Senate.
“However, for our family, my wife and six children, family is always the first consideration, and right now, we need a break from public life. An additional commitment of another term of service is not in our family’s interest.
“To my supporters, please know that this decision was not made lightly and your support has meant the world to us. We cannot express the gratitude that we have for you entrusting me with this office.
“It was always my mission to use my limited time in public life to advance the conservative movement, and the Lord is leading me to pursue opportunities in the private sector. The conservative movement will continue to be a large part of the Craig family’s life and we look forward to continuing our mission to advance policies that give Wisconsinites less government, and more liberty.”