
[Juneau, WI] — The Scott Fitzgerald for Congress campaign today announced that Congressional candidate Scott Fitzgerald will report more than $467,000 raised in 2019, bringing in approximately $442,000 in the first full reporting period since the current Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader and legislative veteran launched his bid for Wisconsin’s Fifth Congressional District.

“We’ve been overwhelmed by all of the support that we’ve received since our launch,” said Fitzgerald. “From all of the conversations I’ve had with residents as I’ve traveled all over the district during the last few months to the financial support that our campaign has received, it’s clear that our conservative message is resonating with the residents of Wisconsin’s fifth. I’m proud that our 2019 fundraising reflects that support, with contributions from more than 1300 individual donors.”

The Scott Fitzgerald for Congress campaign will end the reporting period with over $430,000 cash on hand, with more than two-thirds of the total amount raised coming from individual donors. The campaign received more than 675 donations of $50 or less, and of these, more than 300 were donations of $25 or less.

The robust figures coming out of the campaign’s first full reporting period come as Fitzgerald’s candidacy has gained significant momentum since its launch, having secured endorsements from an impressive slate of Wisconsin conservatives. Fitzgerald has already received national recognition for his bid for the seat, including most recently being named as an NRCC “On the Radar” Candidate in the organization’s Young Guns Program.

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