MADISON – Senator Jeff Smith (D – Brunswick) shared the following statement regarding today’s Wisconsin Supreme Court decision on the Safer at Home order:
“I’m incredibly disappointed by the Wisconsin Supreme Court decision to lift the Safer at Home order prematurely, despite the opposing demands from medical professionals and public health experts. This Supreme Court’s decision jeopardizes all the progress we’ve made to stop COVID-19 in Wisconsin.
“It’s unfortunate that Republicans brought this lawsuit to the Supreme Court, hoping for the Safer at Home order to be dismantled, despite not having a legitimate plan in place to keep Wisconsinites safe. Lifting the Safer at Home order, before meeting the metrics established by the Governor and the President, risks more long-term and severe economic impacts and more lives lost. Republicans are gambling with people’s lives purely for political purposes.
“We must listen to the medical professionals, not the politicians, to get through this safely with less people unemployed and less families coping with the loss of life from COVID-19. Although the order was struck down today, I’m confident if we all work together, we can find a way to progress forward again.”