MADISON, Wis.— This week, the South Central Federation of Labor (SCFL) publicly announced their support for the two referenda that will appear on the November ballot based on the meaningful impact that the referendum will have on working families in Madison. The facilities referendum will invest more than $300 million dollars into renovating Madison’s four main high schools while creating and supporting good paying union jobs in our community. The operating referendum will allow the district to recruit and retain the best educators and staff in the state, while also spending critical resources on equity programs to address historic inequities that exist in our schools and community.The South Central Federation of Labor comprises nearly 500 state and local labor councils of the AFL-CIO.

Melinda Heinritz, the Executive Director of Schools Make Madison Advocacy  highlighted the broad support that exists for the referendum campaign. “The South Central Federation of Labor represents so many integral members of the Madison union community. We are grateful to have their support” 

The “Vote Yes 2 Invest” campaign is a coalition of community and business leaders, local families, educators and education advocates, working in support of the proposed Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) referenda. The “Vote Yes 2 Invest” Campaign is powered by Schools Make Madison Advocacy, Inc., an affiliate of the Foundation for Madison’s Public Schools.

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